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PowerSchool Parent Portal: Frequently Asked Questions

Troy City Schools is using PowerSchool for our student information and grading system.   As a parent you are able to login to check your student(s) grades.

I have not accessed the PowerSchool Parent Portal before; what do I need?

Please contact your child's school office and ask for the Parent Access letter.   It contains directions and the access codes you need to setup your parent account.


Can't you just give me directions here?

Yes - but you will still need your student(s) individual access codes which can only be given out by your school's main office.


Here are the quick directions for registering:

Visit the Troy City Schools web site ( and click on Parent Resources at the top. Click on "Check
Student Grades". You can also click on the "Check Your Child's Grades" link from any of our building webpages.

You must click “Create an Account” the first time you visit the Parent Access site. You will need to fill in your name,
email address, and create a username and password. After you fill in the information under Parent Account Details, scroll
down to Link Students to Account.

Type your student's Name, your Access ID and your Access Password exactly as they are printed on the letter you received (they are case sensitive). If you have more than one child you can enter all Access ID and Password ID information at the same time. 

I forgot my password; what do I do?

Click on the "Forgot Username or Password" link on the logon page. 

Do I need to share my account with my student(s) so they can check their own grades?

No - Students have their own accounts to check grades.  If they do not know their username or password, please have them contact their school's main office.

Is there a Mobile App for my Smartphone?

Yes!   The name of the App is PowerSchool Mobile and links are below for both Apple and Android phones.   When you open the app, it will ask you for your district code - Troy's is FNFX

Apple -

Android -

I already have a parent account but need to add another student; how do I do that?

To add a student via the web portal:

  1. After signing in to the web portal, click Account Preferences on the left menu
  2. Under Account Preferences, click on the Students tab
  3. Now click on the Add + button and follow the necessary steps