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Asbestos Management Plan

Annual Notification of Availability of Management Plan and Update of Activities

On October 22, 1986 President Reagan signed into law the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act (AHERA, Public Law 99-519). The law required the EPA to develop regulations which provide a comprehensive framework for addressing asbestos problems in public elementary and secondary schools which includes inspecting for friable and non-friable asbestos in school buildings, developing management plans that address asbestos hazards in school building and implementing response actions in a timely fashion.

One of the requirements of this law is to annually notify parents, teachers, and staff of the availability and location of the school building's management plan. The management plan for your school building is located in the principal's office. Management plans for all school buildings in the district are located in the Designated Person/Program Manager's Office. Also, please be advised that information regarding any inspections/re-inspections, response actions and post-response actions are also included in the management plan and is available for your review.

Rich Baker is the Designated Person/Program Manager for our school district. Accordingly, should you have any questions regarding this management plan or wish to see this plan, please contact him at 937-332-6791. You may view the plan during normal business hours Monday through Friday by appointment.