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Nomination Policy

Gifted Nominations

Ohio public school districts are required to identify students in four areas of giftedness: superior cognitive, creative thinking, specific academic ability and visual/performing arts ability. Superior Cognitive Ability , Creative Thinking, Specific Academic Ability in reading, math, science, or social studies is identified through nationally-standardized tests.   A portfolio assessment is required for art giftedness. Auditions are required for music, dance and drama identification. 

Districts are required to identify the gifted children and notify parents, however, they are not required to provide services. Services are provided at the discretion of each district.
Teachers, parents, students or community members may nominate students for possible giftedness by contacting our Gifted Services Office at 332-3954 or through the gifted services webpage   .... Academics Tab.
The district has an Acceleration Policy which addresses whole-grade and subject acceleration, early entrance, and early graduation. Information is on the Gifted Services webpage.