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District Policies

All Troy Board of Education Policies

Frequently Referenced Policies


1422 Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
1422.02 Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee
1615 Tobacco Use Prevention
1630.01 FMLA Leave


2111 Parent and Family Engagement
2260 Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Education Opportunity
2261.01 Parent and Family Member Participation in Title I Programs
2266 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in District Programs or Activities - Title IX Coordinators Information
2271 AG College Credit Plus Program
2413 Career Advising
2416 Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information
2623.02 Third Grade Reading Guarantee

Professional Staff:

3120 Employment of Professional Staff
3122 Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
3122.01 F3 Memorandum to Staff Members on Federal Regulations Concerning Drug Prevention
3122.02 Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee
3217 Weapons
3430.01 FMLA Leave

Classified Staff:

4120 Employment of Classified Staff
4122 Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
4122.02 F3 Memorandum to Staff Members on Federal Regulations Concerning Drug Prevention
4122.02 Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee
4162 Drug and Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders and Other Employees Who Perform Safety-Sensitive Functions
4217 Weapons
4430.01 FMLA Leave


5200 Attendance
5310 Health Services
5517 Anti-Harassment - Civil Rights Compliance Officers
5517.01 Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior
5530 F2 Memorandum to Parents Regarding School Board Policy on Drug-Free Schools
5630.01 Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports and Limited Use of Restraining and Seclusion
5772 Weapons
5780 Student - Parent Rights


6700 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)


7217 Weapons
7430 F1 Physician's Certification for Use of a Respirator
7430 F2 Acknowledgement of Training
7430 F3 Parent Notification and Authorization


8310 Public Records
8330 F9 Annual Notification to Parents Regarding Student Records and Specific Events/Activities
8330 Student Records
8400 School Safety
8420 Emergency Situations at Schools
8431 F4 Acknowledgment of Information Concerning Toxic Hazards
8431 Preparedness for Toxic Hazard and Asbestos Hazard
8453.01 F1 Waiver of Vaccination For Hepatitis B
8453.01 F2 Training Record


9130 F4 Notification to Public Regarding Inspection of Instructional Materials
9130 Public Complaints
9150 School Visitors