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Treasurer's Office

Jeff Price
Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer
(937) 332-6004     [E-mail]


500 North Market Street
Troy, Ohio 45373
(937) 332-3822 - FAX



The Troy City Schools budgetary process is prescribed by the Ohio Revised Code and entails the preparation of documents within an established timetable.  The major documents are the appropriation resolutions, the certificate of estimated resources, the five-year forecast, and the tax budget. Each is prepared on the budgetary basis of accounting. The appropriations resolution, the certificate of estimated resources, and the five-year forecast may be amended throughout the year, with the legal restriction that appropriations cannot exceed estimated resources as certified.

All funds, other than agency funds, are legally required to be budgeted and appropriated.   The legal level of budgetary control is at the fund level and any modifications at this level may only be made by resolution of the Board of Education.

All of these reports have been prepared and compiled by the District Treasurer and chief financial officer, Jeffrey W. Price.  If at any point you have a question, please do not hesitate to call him at (937) 332-6004.



