I would like to thank you for visiting our web site, we hope you find the transportation web page informative and useful. Any comments or suggestions for the transportation web page can be directed to Tim Kaiser at Troy City Schools (937) 332-6091 or by e-mail at kaiser-t@troy.k12.oh.us.
Transportation Goal
The Troy City Schools Transportation Department's goal is to provide the safest most efficient pupil transportation services possible.
The Board of Education has provided us with some of the best equipment available. Currently our fleet consists of 40 buses of which 5 of these are equipped to transport students in wheel chairs. We are providing transportation services to over 2000 students attending 15 different school buildings . These buildings are located in Troy, Piqua and Sidney.
Transportation Links
Blue Bird Bus
International School Buses
National Pupil Transportation Association
Ohio Association of Pupil Transportation
School Bus Fleet Magazine
School Bus Information Clearinghouse
School Transportation News
Thomas Bus