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Transportation Guidelines


All pupils who reside approximately one (1) mile or more from the building attended, may be eligible for transportation according to the district boundary lines as established by the Board of Education.

Bus routes and stops will be established on a year to year basis and will be approved by the Board of Education prior to the beginning of school each year. Bus stops, as a rule, will be at corners (wherever possible) to facilitate a more efficient bus transportation service. Parents can access the bus stop information through the Bus Route Finder link found on the Parent Resources tab.

The transportation center requires a minimum of 3 school days to facilitate any residential address changes.

Parents are responsible for the safety of students while going to and from pick up points, and for students meeting the bus on schedule. Pupils shall arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to their scheduled pick up time and should be ready and waiting for the bus.

Parents will be responsible for any damages to a bus by their children.

Troy Schools will not pick up or deliver students to places of business.

Pupils must observe bus conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully. Absolute quiet must be maintained at railroad crossings.

Pupils, once on the bus, must remain seated keeping the aisles and exits clear. Pupils must not play music/radios/cell phones without earbuds or headphones, throw or pass objects on, from or into the bus. Pupils must not put any part of their body out of the bus windows.

Pupils may carry onto the bus only objects which can be held in their laps. Pupils may not bring any materials considered hazardous onto the bus. This also includes animals,pets, or glass items. Pupils may not use or have alcohol, tobacco or drugs in their possession on the bus, except for prescription medication as required. There will be absolutely no eating or drinking on the bus except as required for medical reasons.

Students are to ride only on assigned buses to and from school and will be picked up and delivered only to their assigned designated stops.  Requests from the Parent/Guardian must precede any request for transportation changes. Requests shall be made to the Principal and Supervisor of Transportation and may be granted or denied on an as needed basis.  Parents will assume responsibility of the child when such a request is made and granted.

The school cannot help solve temporary scheduling problems by changing assigned buses or designated stops. Daily requests for changes are very difficult to process, and any error can result in a child arriving somewhere he or she is not expected. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

Your child should know what to do in case he/she arrives home and there is no one there. It is extremely important that your child has a plan in case of this emergency. 


Childcare / open enrollment / shared parenting requests

Childcare transportation requests will be accepted for grades K-5 and preschool only. Shared parenting requests will be accepted for all grades.

The following bus regulations apply to stops at babysitters, other family members, friends, and/or preschool programs.

  • Transportation to baby sitters/alternate addresses will be provided, on a space availability basis, if the babysitter/alternate address is in the same school attendance zone as the student and, if the stop is made on a daily basis. Alternating day sitter stops cannot be honored due to the potential for error that such a situation creates. Thus, daily pick up and/or drop off at the babysitter/alternate address must be requested.
  • Requests for babysitter pick up or delivery must be made to the transportation center, on the Request for Transportation form prior to the change. A new form must be filled out for each school year, regardless of whether the student went to that address the prior year. If there is no form on file, the student will be picked up or delivered to their resident address. PLEASE NOTE: You may have one address for the AM route and a different address for the PM route, but only one address will be accepted for each.
  • The transportation center requires two weeks notice, in writing, for any babysitter/stop changes throughout the school year. Babysitter stops will remain in effect until the requested change is made in writing.
  • Daily phone calls will not be accepted, except in emergency situations, to make a student transportation change.
  • Open enrollment students may be eligible for transportation provided there is room on the bus. These student(s) must get to an established bus stop which transports to the school they will attend. We do not alter bus routes or add additional stops to accommodate any open enrollment students.



If your child is transported by a Troy City school bus to any school building (including St. Pats, UVCC, Lehman, etc) and Troy Schools are on a delay due to bad weather, all Troy City School Buses will operate on the Troy delay. If the other school is not on the same weather delay, transportation will be the parents responsibility.