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Gifted Services

Mandy Peck

District Coordinator of Gifted Services
(937) 332-3954    [E-mail]


Gifted Services Office
(located at Forest School)
413 East Canal Street
Troy, Ohio 45373
(937) 332-3976 - FAX 



Information on how to refer a student for gifted testing, when testing occurs, and what services are available can be found under the "Documents" menu on the right >>>

GIFTED PLACEMENTS will be available on the first student school day each year. Placement in Gifted Services is decided annually and notification will be made by mail. Students who qualify mid-year MAY OR MAY NOT be added to classes depending on class size and availability.


The mission of the Gifted Services Department  is to help prepare students with varying skills and abilities for living and functioning successfully within society, by  providing specific programs designed to meet their individual needs and interests.



